Hair Loss Problem: What Are The Causes And Treatment?

October 5, 2018

Humans shed, whether we like it or not. Shedding is a natural part of the process of letting go of the old and creating place for the new. However, excessive hair loss and a lack of regrowth might be problematic. For many people, hair loss is a regular issue. It can have a negative impact on both men and women. When you start losing your hair, you may begin to feel unattractive. Thus, it can be stressful since it drastically alters your look.

A healthy and thick hair is a symbol of youth and vitality. It may also be one of a person’s most appealing characteristics. That is why the majority of individuals seek healthy hair. Furthermore, they will go to any length to maintain their crowning glory.

Unfortunately, not everyone is blessed with plenty of hair. Some people also struggled to keep their hair for the rest of their lives. They have difficulties with hair loss as a result of this.

In the United States, over 50 million men and 30 million women suffer from hair loss. By the age of 50, almost half of all males will have lost some hair. Hair loss is rarely life-threatening. Yet, it can have severe psychological consequences, especially in women.

What Causes Hair Loss Problems?

There might be an underlying cause for your hair loss if you see thinning or balding patches. The most common cause of hair loss in both men and women is male pattern baldness. This condition usually begins around the age of 30. Aside from that, this form of baldness is frequently inherited.

Other factors can also cause hair loss including:

  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Thyroid issues
  • Extreme stress
  • Illness
  • Poor diet
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

Other causes of female pattern baldness include:

  • Alopecia areata
  • Stress-related hair shedding
  • Telogen effluvium (TE)
  • Traction alopecia

Hair loss is a natural process that everyone goes through daily. Combing, shaping, or brushing might result in the loss of up to 100 hairs. In most cases, natural shedding is not a concern, and it does not affect one’s look. Because the average person’s head contains roughly 100,000 hairs. Severe hair loss may also result in obvious thinning and bald patches. It’s no longer a normal shedding and might be a major situation.

Hair Loss Causes: Hormonal Changes

Hormones are involved in a lot of the body’s regular functions. Thus, hair growth and shedding follow the same pattern. Women’s hair loss can occur after pregnancy or after menopause. Hair loss can happen to men and women as they become older as a result of hormonal changes.

The Thyroid

One of the most common hormone-related reasons for hair loss is thyroid disorders. Aside from hair loss, your thyroid can have an impact on your weight, mood, cholesterol levels, and other factors. Thyroid hormone overproduction (hyperthyroidism) or underproduction (hypothyroidism) can cause hair loss. Hair regeneration might be aided by seeking expert treatment for your thyroid problem.

Stress: Hair Loss In Men And Women

Hair loss can occur as a result of high levels of stress, both physical and mental. Surgery, high fevers, blood loss, trauma, and disease can all be sources of physical stress. Another reason why new mothers lose their hair for several months after delivery is this. Also, lack of sleep and a bad diet can all be symptoms of emotional stress.

Mental Health

Trichotillomania can also cause hair loss for men and women. It is characterized by persistent and uncontrollable desires to pluck hair from:

  • The Scalp
  • Eyebrows
  • Other parts of your body

Hair removal from the scalp frequently results in uneven bald areas or complete hair loss. Moreover, women are four times as likely as males to have this disorder. Even so, it has the potential to impact certain males. Trichotillomania is a condition that can bring you a lot of pain. Furthermore, it has the potential to disrupt your job and social life.

Health and Conditions

Hair loss can be caused by medical conditions. Patchy hair loss and lesions on the scalp are symptoms of the autoimmune illness lupus. Also, hair loss can be caused by a variety of conditions, including:

  • Renal failure
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  • Liver illness
  • Diabetes
  • Psoriasis
  • Dermatitis

Also, alopecia areata is a medical illness in which the body destroys its hair follicles. Depending on inherited factors, this could result in baldness that is either temporary or permanent.


Certain infections might harm your scalp or hair. It may also cause hair loss in certain people. Furthermore, tinea capitis (scalp ringworm) is a fungal ailment. It might cause a lot of irritation and hair loss, too. Unfortunately, hair loss caused by this sort of illness may or may not come back. Nonetheless, the seriousness of the situation depends.

Hair Loss Causes: Medication and Treatments

Several medicines can also have adverse effects including hair loss. Besides, chemotherapy is arguably the most well-known of these treatments. Some of these medications are:

  • Thyroid drugs
  • Oral contraceptives
  • Beta-blockers
  • Acne medications – retinoids
  • Antibiotics drugs
  • Antifungal drugs
  • Birth control pills
  • Cholesterol-lowering drugs
  • Cancer treatment drugs
  • Parkinson’s disease drugs
  • Steroids
  • Weight loss drugs

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs) can also cause hair loss in certain people. Also, antidepressant medications may also be a factor in hair loss. Most of the time, these drugs can cause mild to severe hair loss in men and women.


Hair loss can occur if your body is lacking in key nutrients. A deficit in zinc and iron is also associated with hair loss. Lack of lipids, vitamins, and minerals, such as copper and selenium, are also related to hair loss.

Over Styling

Flat irons and crimping combs may help you get the trendy style you want. Yet, they can also harm or ruin your hair. Furthermore, ponytails and tight braids can also lead to damage.

Hair Loss Treatment

Scalp micropigmentation is one effective way to deal with thinning hair. In this procedure, tiny ink deposits that mimic stubble hair match your shaved hair. Our professional and accredited specialists at MAXIM Hair Restoration clinics handled this procedure. Then, small hair strokes are put to places where hair has thinned or fallen out. This gives your head the appearance of fullness and concealing bald spots.

Advantages of Scalp Micropigmentation Hair Restoration Treatment

  • A Non-invasive Procedure
  • Less Pain and Discomfort
  • Low Maintenance Hair Restoration Solution
  • Quick Recovery Time
  • SMP Can Conceal Scars
  • Cost-Efficient

Scalp Micropigmentation For Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common concern among people. SMP is a cutting-edge treatment that helps people to conceal balding or thinning hair. It allows our patients to change their hairstyles without fear of losing their natural hair.

MAXIM SMP offers the most effective treatments for thinning or receding hairlines. Also, we provide hair loss remedies that are both efficient and effective. So, you may rest assured that with our aid, your head will be spectacular.

Are you interested to learn more about the cost and method of SMP? Contact MAXIM Scalp Micropigmentation today. We have locations throughout the United States and around the world. Our team is well-equipped to meet the needs of our consumers.

If you have thinning hair or baldness, you need to figure out what’s causing it so you can receive the best therapy. There are several things you can do to help prevent your hair loss from growing worse. Experts at MAXIM SMP are here to help you. If you have a question about what causes your problem, do not hesitate to call us.

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